Saturday, September 19, 2009

best of freinds

I don't know what it is about Ryanne and our cat Timberley, but they have always had this special bond since they were both little. When Ryanne was only about 18 months old we went to my Aunt Kathy's home to visit them. They had just had a litter of kittens and among the new kittens was this little black fluffy kitten named Timberley that would always fallow Ryanne around. We would go to bed and the next morning Timberley was sleeping right next to Ryanne. Every where Ryanne went there was this little black fuzzball on her heals. It was so dang cute we decided to take her home. You would think after all these years the bond they had for each other would fade. But NO! Timberley puts up with all of Ryanne's creative Ideas to humiliate this poor little cat. She dresses her up, carries her around in a blanket and comes up with all kinds of ways to play with her. And Timberley still loves her more than all others. She will still fallow her around, give her kisses and just can't get enough of Ryanne. Today Ryanne called me to come downstairs to see what she had done and here was this cradle with a cute bundle of joy in it. Yes! it was the cat, as the baby in the cradle. Poor cat, the crazy thing is that it looked like Timberley was enjoying it. I think it is so funny that this cat loves Ryanne as much as Ryanne loves her. I think they were friends before they came to this earth. They are the best of friends.

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