Monday, May 18, 2009

Alaska was perfect!

We had lots and lots of fun. We left for Washington state, on May 7th and just got home yesterday, around 9:oo pm Sunday the 17th. It was amazing. We decided to take a cruise to relax and get away from it all.
I love Alaska, this was our second time going and I think it was even more fun. We first went and visited family in Washington (state) and caught the cruise out of Vancouver Canada a few days later. This is Dan being funny! When you first get on the ship you have to attend muster. (A muster drill is when you have to were these ridiculous life jackets and stand in the heat, under your life boat, to practice a drill, encase the ship sinks)We had our call to get ready to attend our muster station, and Dan found our life jackets above the closet. instead of only 2 adult size jackets there was three, and it happened to be a child size. Dan started to Laugh He said " Hay look Sheila they are even taking care of the baby." So he thought it would be funny to take a picture of the small one in front of my belly. LOL!We first cruised to Juneau Alaska and had a great experience on our one privet whale watching adventure. We saw Humpback whales, mom and baby Humpbacks and even a pod of Orka whales (Orka whales are rare to see this time of year in Alaska)Then we cursed over to Skagway Alaska. Dan went salmon fishing, and we (my mom, Sharon, Ian and I) went dog sledding. That was a blast. We also saw 2 black bear that day as well. My aunt Janel and uncle Steve also came with us on the cruise.We sailed through Tracy arm (I wouldn't know, because Dan and I slept in that morning and did not see a thing) and saw Glaciers, so they they tell us. LOL!
Next was Ketchikan Alaska, and that is were we went to a Saxman tribal dance, and the Totem village. That was neat to see the Totem poles and find out a little about the history behind them. I also loved the dance they did when we arrived there. They had little tiny kids dancing along with there parents, all in costume and that was fun.
We also, that day went to a Lumber Jack show. Talk about dangerous and exiting. Wow! the skills those guys have was pretty amazing. If you have not been to a Lumber Jack show, you need to go, it was very entertaining. And of course we can't leave out all the shopping. It was a blast! I all most left out that the weather was perfect. The sun was out almost the hole trip (witch is unusual for Alaska) and we even brought it with us to Washington. PERFECT! All and all it was a perfect vacation (other than I really missed my kids wail I was gone. They stayed with Dan's parents. And of course Grandma and Grandpa was more fun, so they did not miss me at all. LOL!) We were able to visit my sister and her family and spend the tail end of our trip with them, witch was one of my favorite parts of the hole thing. I am glad to be home but am already planing our next Cruse:)


The Valsy said...

Hooray for Alaska!

Boualay said...

"I want to go to there!" I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves and returned home safely.

April said...

How awesome was that? So Cool. And so good for you to get away just you and Dan. It was great talking to you yesterday. Glad things are well.

Mary said...

Glad I got to see you guys for that short time. But, I'm still glad it was you in Alaska & not me :o)

Sheree said...

I'm so glad you had such a good time... though totally jealous! But I'm glad you're home too! You were missed! :)

Rylie said...

What a great trip! You deserved it! You look fantastic by the way. You have a beautiful glow about you. ;)