Friday, January 9, 2009

The day that changed our lives forever!

OK, now this is a long one, so grab your a box of tissue and take a seat, your in for a long haul.

Today I decided that I am ready to tell my whole story about baby Sharyn. Its been about 2 months since baby Sharyn has left us. I am sorry I talk all the time about her, and some people might think that I should be filling better about her by now, and some days I am. But for the most part I think of her every second, of every minute, of every day. I have a empty place in my heart and arms that no mater what I do, I can not fill it. I have also had some great days, and have had some wonderful memory's that we shared this Holiday season, but there is still a longing that haunts me ever day. My sister Sharon keeps telling me to write my experiences with this pregnancy. So today I decided would be the perfect day.

Dan and I were so exited to finely be pregnant. We had a hard time getting pregnant and it had been a few years of trying. So to Finley be pregnant was a miracle. I was hoping it would be a girl but did not want to get my hopes up. I was going to be exited ether way. I was sick as normal and happier than ever, everything was going just great.
On my big ultrasound day we decided to take our kids along, because Ryanne was so exited to find out what it was. Ryanne was hoping for a baby sister and the Noah wanted a brother, Austin new the whole time that she was a girl. He kept telling me that I had a baby sister in my tummy. He loved her and would always kiss and hug my tummy. He would always hold up his hands in front of him and say "the baby is hugging me like this. She loves me." And I know she did.
We were shocked to find out that we really were having a girl. I could not believe it, a baby girl! We had her name picked out ever since I was pregnant with Noah. (about 7 years) We called my sister Sharon and told her we were having a Sharyn. She did not get it at first, and was so confused. But after a minuet she finely got it, and was so exited as well. Sharyn Emma was named after some of my most favorite people in the whole world, my sisters Sharon and Emily. I love them both and wanted to honer them with our baby girls name.
Of course my mom went crazy buying everything in pink, with bows and ruffles. I had nothing left from when Ryanne was a baby( she is 9 years old now) and so we had to buy everything new. I never really got into shopping for her, not because I was not thrilled to be having a baby girl. But because I just felt we needed to wait. I had always wanted a new crib set for my baby's, but could never afford one. So when we found out she was a girl, we hit the stores to find the perfect one. I found the cutest crib set, (that to this day still reminds me of her) It is pink, white and pale green, it had lady bugs on it and was perfect.Sharon would ask me all the time if I felt baby Sharyn move that day. And I always would complain that she was just being paranoid.
I never really got exited for her birth day, I always felt nervous about it. I think the lord was preparing me for what was to come. I thought maybe it was because, it was around the holidays and I would possibly miss out on activity's, or because I was not sure how I would handle having a brand new baby again ( its been 4 years since Austin was a baby.) I really was not sure what I was filling. The days were soon approaching and I was getting more and more nervous. Not really for the birth, but for what was to come after.
I loved being pregnant this time. I thought it was our last baby, and that I would not ever fill life inside of me again, so ever moment was precious. I asked our good friend Scott to take some pics, of my belly (not bare, yuck!) and the kids. I had it all planed out, first I was going to get pics with my belly, then when she was 1 week old and then when she was blessed, the family all in white. It was going to be perfect. I planed on getting our first set of pics just before thanksgiving, but Scott thought we should do it just a week after Halloween. I thought well that's a little earlier than I planed but OK, he insisted (it ended up to be a blessing, I truly fill he was inspired to do it then) I had no idea that this would be my only pics of baby Sharyn alive, and our only family pic all together. I will always cherish them. Thank you so much Scott and Cortney for your beautiful work and your inspiration and closeness to our heavenly father. We love you Scott, Stacy and Cortney! You are such wonderful Friends.
(not very many people know, but the kids are holding my belly, so Scott took my belly out and put the pic, he took in the hospital with Dan, Sharyn and I and put it in its place.)
I was about 37 weeks and my doctor was out of town. I was going to my weekly appointment now and had to see a different doc. My appointment on Tuesday was as normal, (except for the doc) baby Sharyn was perfect and I was dilated to about a 1. I remember complain to everyone that she better not come before black Friday, or I would be upset. (We always shop the sales the day after thanksgiving) Thanksgiving was getting close and so was my due date. (I was due the 1st of December)
Like I said before I really never got exited about having her here, and I noticed that. It really frustrated me that I was not getting ready for her to come, and I only had a few weeks left. I had to force myself to have Dan help me put her crib up.
I remember very clearly, Wednesday the 13th of November. My mom and I had gone shopping, when she brought me home, her and I were sitting in the car talking. Sharyn started moving, so my mom felt her and talked to her. That was my moms last time feeling her alive. Later that night I had already gone to bed when Dan came home from work. Every night he would snuggle up to me, to get a chance to feel baby Sharyn move, and that night was no exception. I was very sad that night, and I could not figure out why. I kept crying, and telling Dan that I was afraid for her to come. I was so mad at my self, that I was not exited. I did not understand what I was feeling, all I kept saying is " I don't want her to have a hard life." I did not want her to suffer, with school, with getting hurt, with life itself. I loved her so much and did not want to ever see her in pain. At that time I did not no how profound those feelings really were.
The next day I felt great. I had an appointment at my chiropractor that morning, so I did not sit and wait to count the movements, the doc instructs you to do. (I would normally count them in the morning, before I got out of bed) For the first time, since I found out I was having a girl, I was exited to have her here. I wanted to buy her something cute from me. So I called my mom to come and pick me up, for a girls day out. It was so fun! My mom and I went shopping and to lunch. I was feeling so good and ready for her to finely be here. Later that night I went to my moms house to help cook pumpkin soup for the "craft night"(Sharon, my friend Sheree and my mom planed a surprise baby shower for me on that Saturday. They were serving pumpkin soup, because of the Thanksgiving holiday just around the corner. They told my it was a craft night for our extended family and friends. Of course I believed them.) and was talking to my sister Sharon about my aunt Kathy.
About 20 years ago my aunt was pregnant and call my mom up(my mom is a nurse). She was worried, because she had not felt her baby move for a while. My mom had her come over and gave her some instructions on how to make the baby active. I remember that day very clearly, her baby never did move, and she ended up having a still born birth at about 31 weeks along in her pregnancy. I remember how hard it was on her, it was her 4th baby, she had 3 beautiful boys and this was her little girl. It was devastating to her and her family.
Any way I had mentioned to Sharon, how would I react if something like that happened to me(I think that the lord had inspired me) how would I survive. She was about were I was in my pregnancy and it was devastating. Just after I made that comment to Sharon, it donned on me that I had not felt baby Sharyn move all day. So I mentioned it to my mom, and she had me go lay down on my left side and drink a glass of orange juice. I was very calm, but I still did not fill her move. I had my mom call the doc to see what we should do. The doc told us to head to the hospital just to make shore everything was OK. (Normally I would say "no, the baby is fine. They will just send me home, and I'll be embarrassed." but not this time I said "OK, lets go.") We got to the hospital and they took me right back. I was not nervous at all but my family was. They tried to listen to her heart beat and could not find it. The nurse was getting more and more nervous. Than they went and got the ultrasound. And as soon as she put the ultrasound on my stomach I could see that her heart had stopped. There was nothing just a little body and no movement. The nurse started shaking and left the room to get a doc but I already new the outcome, and It was unreal. I remember thinking, this is just a bad dream, and her heart will start any minute. But that's not what happened.
So I still had to delver her and I was terrified. This is not what was suppose to happen, and especially not to me. My doc was out of town and so there was no comfort there. I was so nervous to see my baby, I was shaking. The nurse kept telling me that when she comes it will be OK ( I was not sure what I was going to see. And we still did not know why she had passed.) It was terrifying. But my labor was not hard at all. I was started about 11pm on Thursday the 13th and had her at 5:20am the 14th of November. Her delivery was my easiest. As I have said in the past she was perfect. There really was nothing to be afraid of and the nurse was right, everything was OK. She was 4lb 12oz and about 18in long. She passed away from the cord being wrapped around her neck. It did turn her beautiful face a shade of purple, from bruising, but that did not mater to us. We still loved her and thought that she was the most beautiful baby we had ever seen.
It was a special time, I will always cherish those few hours we spent with her. My mom, Dan's mom and dad, my grandma and my sister Sharon all got the special opportunity to hold her, kiss her, and just enjoy her for those few precious moments. My grandma Bernice tells me all the time how grateful that she is to have the opportunity to hold our baby girl. And that she will cherish that time spent with her great granddaughter forever.
Although this has been my greatest trial in life, It also has been a blessing. I have come to find many blessings from this experience. I can truly say that I believe in the temple and the atonement, and that we will get to raise our daughter someday. Like a friend of Dan's said "Who better to babysit your baby than Jesus and Heavenly father" (and also Great Grandma Ella) I am no longer afraid of death, for me and my family. I know that I can handle anything that comes my way, that I am a strong women. I definitely cherish my children more, and realize what a blessing they truly are. And am so proud of my husbands strength, and his love for our family. The people that surrounds me are also a blessing, who would have thought, that our family and friends where so wonderful, that they cared so much about our family. Everyone has been so concerned for us and has truly been there when we needed them. I have also met such wonderful people that have had a smiler experience as me, and truly can say "I know what you are going through." I definitely feel more humbled, the other day I had a temple interview with our stake president. And just out of the blue he said( not knowing really what I was going through) "some times we don't under stand what the Lord has in store for us, and we want everything now, but the Lord has his own time and we just need to be patient and believe in him." I started to cry and I think he was a little freaked out. what did he say? But I explained my situation and how he had answered my prays. I wanted to know "why" and "why could I not just raise her here and now" and the stake pres was inspired to answer my questions. I feel like I am being watched over by our Heavenly Father, and He dose answer our prays. I miss her terribly.I love you Sharyn very much and miss you, but I know I will see you again. Love, Mom & Dad


Boualay said...

Wow, such a beautiful post. I'm still so sorry about your loss. I almost broke down when I read how Scott was inspired to take your pictures earlier than scheduled and seeing Dan kiss baby Sharyn so tenderly. I'm so glad that you are receiving the comfort and love that you need. I can also feel your strength and pain at the same time - I can't even imagine. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

The Valsy said...

Shiela and Dan
Your post comes at a timely moment. My friend, Natalie, had still born girl 12 years ago and post about it on her blog sometimes. She wrote something that you should read from January
8th. You have entered a new sisterhood of motherhood that no mother wants to enter, but you should know that you are not alone.
We are thinking of you.
The Andersons

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

I am so sorry. I am impressed by your faith. You definitely were inspired many many times. I think of you often. I don't feel like I have anything to say that will do justice for what I am thinking and feeling for you. I wish you the best.

Rylie said...

Dear Dan and Shiela,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Our stories are so similar, all I could do is cry for you. It's amazing how the Lord was preparing us for this. I know our baby girls are doing a great work up there together. Great will be the day when we are reunited with them again.

All my love,


April said...

That was perfect. I can't belive how many people, including yourself were inspired and blessed by Heavenly Father through that time. I balled reading this and it brought back so many memories. But I know what you mean, such a scary, sad time, but one of the most spiritual of my life. Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad you have a picture of you whole family.

Snarky Belle said...

Thank you for sharing your story. I know it takes great courage.
Please never apologize for writing about, or talking about your daughter...just as you would never apologize for talking about the children you have with you on this earth.

Your family picture is so beautiful. It truly touched my heart.

Jason+Lindi said...

Thanks for sharing, I don't think that anyone minds you talking about her! You are right, lets get together! I am happy that you have joined the blogging worlds. It is nice to have a connection!