Friday, February 20, 2009

Teary eyed!

Today has been one of those days. (teary eyed)
I am having surgery on my other hand tomorrow (For those that don't know, I had carpel tunnel surgery on my right hand in December, and now I am having my left one done tomorrow) and so today I spent most of my day preparing for my surgery, by doing laundry and cleaning. I Packed the kids back packs to spend the night at our good friends house and just getting organize, before I am one handed again. I even went to lunch with a couple of friends that I had not seen in awhile. (It was fun to see them)
The day was pretty busy, but the only thing I could think about all day was my baby girl. I have just been teary eyed all day. Maybe it was because I went with a friend of mine to a Share meeting last night. It is a meeting for bereaved parents. And it made me miss her.
Or maybe it is just because I am nerves for tomorrow, and the last time I had surgery on my hand was just a few weeks after Sharyn left us. I really don't know, but one thing I do know is that I miss her very much today. I Just find myself crying at a drop of the hat. I would love to hold her in my arms, even just for a few minuets and kiss her little cheek.
Maybe it is because I just had this filling something was not quite right today. This evening my aunt (that I have not talked to for a long time) called me up and told me that my Grandma is very sick and they don't know if she will make it much longer. I went strait to the nursing home to see her, and she was just so frail. I have not seen her like this before.
We have not seen her in about a year, not because we have not wanted to but because I really did not know if we should. (It is kinda a long story that I really don't want to get into it.) But all I will say Is I love my Grandma, Aunts, Uncles and cousins very much and want them to know that I miss them and think of them all the time.
When we arrived at the nursing home and went to her room, I was a little surprised to see her like that. Several years ago I had the wonderful opportunity to be with my grandfather (her husband) just before he passed away. And now it is so close for his beloved wife, to return home to him. They really loved each other very much and when Grandpa died, Grandma was crushed. She really has not been the same ever since. They were the sweetest couple, they always held hands and spent lots of quality time together. They were so much in love. I had the wonderful opportunity to live and work with them for many years. It has been some of my most treasured memories.
So tonight I got to kiss my lovely Grandma and talk to her, maybe for the last time. I am glad that I was able to spend a few quality moments with her. I am sure that Grandpa is anxiously awaiting for her to return home. She will soon get the opportunity to hold my darling baby girl and kiss her, and her husband she missed so very much. It makes me comforted to know that my Grandma and Grandpa will be baby sitting our little Angel until we return home to them again.
Maybe I am missing baby Sharyn today because the Vail is so thin and that she is near me during these hard times. That she is with Grandpa waiting for Grandma to return, and Grandpa will take Grandma into his arms and Welcome her home with a loving embrace and tender kiss hello.
I love you Grandma, and will miss you very much. I am exited for you to see Grandpa again, who you have missed so very much. Please give our baby girl a kiss from her mommy and daddy, and tell her we love her, and we miss her. We will miss you very much and will look forward to the day we will meet again.


Snarky Belle said...

Thinking of you.

The Airharts said...

Wow, what nice things to say about Grandma, I wish I was close enough to see her. Sorry you are having a hard day-it sounds like you have alot of things right now to have your emotions so close to the surface, I'll be thinking about you during your surgary! Much Love~

The Valsy said...

Sorry about your grandmother. Good luck with the surgery.

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

What I like about blogging, is it is so easy to let others know how you feel. You have been (and are going through) so much. Of course you are going to have teary days. I hope your surgery goes well and that you recover quickly. You are a very strong woman.

April said...

Oh Shelia, I am so sorry, I hope she goes peacefully. I am dreading the day my grandparents pass and I know its sooner than later. But your attitude that they will hold her and be with her is so special, she'll be with family. Cry all you want. Your amazing and good luck with your surgery, girly I hope its the last for a long long time. THanks for sharing.

Natalie said...

I still have a lot of tear filled days, I think they're okay...good. Some days we just have to let the tears fall. I am sorry to hear about your grandma, but so happy you got to spend that quality time with her. Those moments will probably be ones you'll cherish for a very long time! I too had a family member pass about a week after loosing little Branson. I remember feeling those grateful feelings that there would be one more great person to watch after him while I'm away, but I also remember feeling a little jealous ...okay, a lot jealous...that they would get to see Branson so soon. that they would be able to hold him and see him, and I still have to wait. I'm sure that day will come sooner that we can even imagine! I love you and will keep you and your family in our prayers :)
By the way, Jen said she met you and April at the Share meeting, she is an amazing woman with so much to share, just like you! You are all so lucky to have each other so close! Sending lots of love your way...

Hatchpatch said...

I love you!! I'm so glad I called you last night. I could tell you were having one of those days!! I hope all goes well for the surgery today. I'm so glad you went and saw Grandma. You needed to do that. It is true that the veil is thin and that Sharyn is there with you and waiting with Grandpa. I pray for confort and the Lord to be with you and your family. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!!
I'll see you tomorrow!

Kenjenandkids said...

Love your blog, I think its good you can share your experiences with us. Hope your surgery went well. lots of love to you.

Rylie said...

I hope that your surgery went well. I am sorry to hear about your Grandmother, but how nice you got to see her. I remember telling my grandparents before I left after Christmas, that if they meet Preslie before I get to see them again, to give her a big hug and kiss from me. You are in my thoughts!!

Love, Rylie