Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Picture Perfect!

My wonderful cousin Missy, was so thoughtful and edited some pictures of our little Sharyn. She did a great job. I love any pictures of Sharyn that I can get my hands on. I think they turned out perfect.

Thanks Missy for these beautiful pictures. You're the best!


Snarky Belle said...


Rylie said...

She is a perfect angel.

Natalie said...

Sharyn is beautiful, and these photos are so precious. There is just something so incredibly awesome about a daddy holding their little ones. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing the poem you left on my family blog! It said things so perfectly, for I know that Branson did indeed have an awesome Christmas with Jesus this year!
We are so sorry for your loss, and the heartache that comes with it! We pray that you little Sharyn will be close to you often and the love that you feel for her can bring peace during the sad, lonely times.
I just love the picture of your whole family...complete and perfect!